Wednesday, December 19, 2007

New domain!

First my big news. Though it may not be very exciting to anyone but me! Kitsune Bonsai can now be located on the web at its own domain, I've almost finished transfering all of the information from the old page over (I'm hoping to finish moving the galleries for special events and workshops there today), and have already begun adding new content that has been languishing away on my computer. On the old website, I'd been doing all of the work in raw HTML coding, and frankly, had gotten to a point where if I saw another [a href=], I was going to throw the computer out the window. The software I'm using with the new site however is extemely streamline and easy to use, and will ensure that I can work on the site from anywhere, even without an internet connection. It's been a beeze to do the redesign that had been beyond my own HTML coding know-how, and I'm very happy with how the new site looks- professional, simple, but still with personality. I can't really ask for more. Well, maybe to get off my rump and finish writing up the articles and species guides!

In other news, the Holiday Party was great. We had a better turn out than expected and everyone brought some great dishes to share. The Auction went well, with some really *great* pieces of stock up on the block. The Marco tree featured earlier in the blog was the only thing I really wanted to bring home with me, but it went for much more than I would have been able to pay for it, much to my chagrin (though it was worth every penny of the final going price!!!).

I've been officially elected as the Bonsai Society of Greater New York's Vice President for the '08 year, which is also pretty neat. I'd been asked about it months ago, and have been fairly certain it would be the cast, but now it's actually offical. We'll be having a board meeting sometime after the holidays to work out a class/workshop/meeting plan for the next year, and hopefully we'll be able to bring in some great speakers for the Society!

Hope the upcoming holidays are treating you all well, and you haven't lost your minds just yet! Happy Holidays everyone!