Monday, June 15, 2009

Article Contest 2009
AoB/KoB article contest for 2009 has begun. They're sponsored by Bonsai Focus Magazine. An excerpt from the above linked rules:

The contest objective is for participants to write an original article
about bonsai in a professional and educational manner. The goal of this contest
is educational and is meant to bring out the author in all who participate, as
well as to encourage the creation of much needed articles for the bonsai
community not only during the contest, but indeed after the contest as well. It
is our hope that the participants of this contest will continue to write and
publish articles afterward and in doing so, add to the knowledge base.

You need not be a member of The Art of Bonsai Project or The Knowledge of
Bonsai Forum to enter. This contest, like all of the content on AoB and KoB, is
free, viewable, and open to all who are interested. Those that wish to
participate in discussions on the contest or other topics on the forums will be
required to join in order to comment.

Bonsai Focus has
graciously agreed to publish the wining article, as well as to consider
publication of other quality articles submitted.

Follow the link above for complete official rules. We look forward to seeing your articles!